119報案APP | 165反詐騙
因應智慧型手機普及化且APP使用廣泛,消防署在108年規劃設計全國版的「119報案APP」,增加119報案途徑,強化受理民眾報案即時定位,縮短受理時間(尤其 ...
In response to the popularization of smartphones and the widespread use of APPs, the Fire Department planned and designed a national version of the "119 Report APP" in 108, adding 119 reporting channels, strengthening the real-time positioning of reports received by the public, shortening the processing time (especially in suburban areas and mountain disasters), and improving Dispatch efficiency, and the people who report the case can provide on-site photos and videos, so that the 119 command center personnel can keep track of the on-site situation. In addition, the APP also provides a newsletter report function to increase reporting channels for the hearing impaired to protect the rights of disadvantaged groups.
119報案APP | 165反詐騙
視訊119 | 165反詐騙
在App Store 上的「119報案APP」 | 165反詐騙
在App Store 上的「視訊119」 | 165反詐騙
119報案APP on the App Store | 165反詐騙
「119報案APP」黃金救援機不可失 | 165反詐騙
消防局中文網站 | 165反詐騙
內政部消防署推出「119報案APP」宣導單,歡迎民眾下載使用 ... | 165反詐騙
臺南市政府消防局 | 165反詐騙
視訊119APP | 165反詐騙